Friday, October 16, 2009,
Astronomers have declared NASA's Hubble Space Telescope a fully rejuvenated observatory with the release of observations from four of its six operating science instruments.
Topping the list of new views are colorful, multi-wavelength pictures of far-flung galaxies, a densely packed star cluster, an eerie "pillar of creation," and a "butterfly" nebula. Hubble's suite of new instruments allows it to study the universe across a wide swath of the light spectrum, from ultraviolet all the way to near-infrared. In addition, scientists released spectroscopic observations that slice across billions of light-years to probe the cosmic-web structure of the universe and map the distribution of elements that are fundamental to life as we know it.
"I fought for the Hubble repair mission because Hubble is the people's telescope," said Mikulski, chairwoman of the Commerce, Justice and Science Appropriations Subcommittee that funds NASA. "I also fought for Hubble because it constantly rewrites the science textbooks. It has more discoveries than any other science mission. Hubble is our greatest example of our astronauts working together with scientists to show American leadership and ingenuity."
IM SOOO looking foward to DEEPAVALI....:D
12:34 AM
Friday, October 09, 2009,
hi hi
yay! 2 tests for the week are over and im so glad i did both of them well:D
its times like these i'm happy i worked really hard to celebrate...i went over to jurong point with my juhiiiii...and had a nice plate of chiken rice..along with a really good steaming cup of cooffeeee...loved it loads...then we walked around...lookinf for ballet flats(a type of shoe).....i really liked a midnight blue one..with silver studs....but they din have it in my size....ju..managed to find a cute...brown bag..which was quite cute for her..afterwhich..we went to have dessert...firstly a long breadlike thing..filled with butter custard and topped with icing suger...followed by a delicious waffle..filled with thick and creamy...peanut butter and chocolate...u had to hold to allow the filling run down ur fingers..ahhhahh...then walk ard and saw this funny shop with remote controls of all home..dvd etc was all there! clickers though:DD

11:58 PM
Thursday, October 08, 2009,

October 7, 2009: NASA's Spitzer Space Telescope has discovered an enormous and previously unknown infrared ring around Saturn.
"This is one supersized ring," says Anne Verbiscer, an astronomer at the University of Virginia, Charlottesville. "If you could see the ring in the night sky, it would span the width of two full Moons."
The new belt lies at the far reaches of the Saturnian system, with an orbit tilted 27 degrees from the main ring plane. The bulk of its material starts about six million kilometers (3.7 million miles) away from the planet and extends outward roughly another 12 million kilometers (7.4 million miles). It would take about one billion Earths stacked together to fill the voluminous ring. One of Saturn's farthest moons, Phoebe, circles within the newfound ring, and is likely the source of its material.
The ring is tenuous, consisting of widely-dispersed particles of ice and dust. Spitzer's infrared eyes were able to spot the glow of the cool dust, which has a temperature of only about 80 Kelvin (minus 316 degrees Fahrenheit).
-adapted from NASA newsletter
i bet u din know that:D
10:55 PM
Sunday, October 04, 2009,

i am growing and the age of 19..i think i have seen it all..but i guess...i havent..
thats when u realise...within the petals of everyone..lies...inner thoughts and desires and amitions..only to behidden..unless...sunlight accidently falls upon it...
on A lighter week of hols zoomed past me like an F1 car...i guess.if i try remembring what i actually did past one mind is a complete blank actually...just cant recall..anything...but i know i did something...since i was constantly busy...oh week have 2 am currently muggin chem for that...i should be able to do well..if i finish...doiing the prac ques for each topic in time yea...
i din exactly do anythin much all and walk around..and do other things once in a while..
goodie!! juhi was in school for 2 of the hols so we manged to syudy in the lib..though we always laugh alot..without actally saying anythin..its like"unspoken humour" wed night kimi..juhi and i decided to make our own panni poories which was smashing.."it busts into flavour in ur mouth"-ju........also caught jaane tu ya jaane na...for the 3rd time..on kimi's lappie...:D
then..i guess.i studied somemore...had my hair highlighted in VIOLET/RED..on sat..just for the fun of it...yea...simply for the fun of it :D
then sat daddy to drive me to school and went to rupppeeee with the sab..prakash..udesh ..jameer and wills(the dance plp) was so much fun...since we love bolly wood dance..and songs which we knew the steps too..we just did em all..hahah..then walk ard at 2 plus...then go back for round 2...NICE!..and jammerr.haha is hands down the "dance teacher"...hahha..then 4 plus...caught a cab back with jameer..and prakash..back to hall 8...
today is sun..and i'm here muggin
7:41 PM