Friday, September 25, 2009,

hi dear
i cant find the perfect words to describe how much i would miss you...once u leave to Australia..we may may not talk on the phone how u talk to banu or juhi....but u know...i care about u sooo much...i just hope u have a wonderful stay there...more importanly than ur friends back the experince u gain in australia...Yeh its gonna be scary...going to a new place...with no friends..etc...but hey its not like i came to ntu..with a friends either..almost for the 1st 3 weeks...apart from juhi..i did eat...attend lectures..etc..on my own..till i got to knwo..plp and everything became i said its a learning experince...not based on weather..ur friends here...make the time to see u off etc..its personal..its ur experinence...its sonia's new adventure...and as ur beloved friend..i wanna know every bit..of it..the good and the bad....and ill remind much we miss u back in singapore....besides i get to see u the most jolly time of the season! cant get better than that.....with that..sonia..please do take care of ur self...woryy not abt minor issues..and focus on ur studies..if u get the course u want....we'll all be happy for u...:D
life is short..and i'm glad that ur part of my life...and i'm sure ull always will be..
after all..aint it
"sonia and sanya forever" & "sonia and sanya the awsome twosome"
things like that..dont disappear due to geographical distances...hearts have no boundries..
love u sonia...see u at the airport:D
9:02 AM

September 24, 2009: NASA scientists have discovered water molecules in the polar regions of the Moon. Instruments aboard three separate spacecraft revealed water molecules in amounts that are greater than predicted, but still relatively small. Hydroxyl, a molecule consisting of one oxygen atom and one hydrogen atom, also was found in the lunar soil. The findings were published in Thursday's edition of the journal Science.
The observations were made by NASA's Moon Mineralogy Mapper, or M3 ("M-cubed"), aboard the Indian Space Research Organization's Chandrayaan-1 spacecraft. NASA's Cassini spacecraft and NASA's Epoxi spacecraft have confirmed the find....
Water ice on the Moon has been something of a holy grail for lunar scientists for a very long time," said Jim Green, director of the Planetary Science Division at NASA Headquarters in Washington. "This surprising finding has come about through the ingenuity, perseverance and international cooperation between NASA and the India Space Research Organization
:):)-adapted from NASA newsletter
8:02 AM
Wednesday, September 23, 2009,
this week barely started but im glad to see it sailing through....though last week i was pretty hectic...esp on sun..had loads to study for the physics juhi...sonia..jameer...dipan.and gokul..who all wanted to have dinner with me...shall make it up to u guys asap..on the bright side...i am pretty contented with my tests so far.
..even computing which i thought i really thanks to maggie..constantly helping me to check my work..i guess i finally understand it(thx!maggie:D)....
Next week is the i cant wait to get some work completed...hopefully i can study , hang out at jurong point...and get my effective com project completed...studing in hall is gonna be super bore..ill have to find plp to study with me...then i guess my stay would be more intersting yea.....
apart from that...sonia is leaving for aust..this weekend...i must find a way to get to the airport...and worries...ill think of something soon..HAHAH:>
3:47 PM
Saturday, September 19, 2009,

i rate 3.5/5 :)
managed to catch it with jurong point yesterday at 9 plus...
the movie had a nice plot about the assaination of hitler and all..however it was a little vulgar and gory..but i fitted the theme..hahha
ps. hitler was not killed via assaination..he commited sucide
11:00 AM
Monday, September 14, 2009,

i cant deal with this..i choose to stay in SCC for i believed it had the good opportunities...and i guess..when my friends left..they left due to the politics...which i am left to pick up...i dont have the time to talk to coach roy and make him understand that i would never do anything behind his back now that scc fired him..i dont have the explain to vima..that she's not at fault..and i dont have the tell everyone who calls me...that i had NOTHING to do with with coach stealing players.....if i dont have the time to do any of this...
why does my name come up on it all?
why am i the one....feeling..10 feet below the ground?:(
10:17 PM
Thursday, September 03, 2009,
hi hi hi....i know its been ages since i put up anything new...ive just been really really busy with school..and all the late nights and early mornings just trying to finish my tutorials in time...
and trust me for a FIRST YEAR STUDENT...I'M CONSTANTLY CHANTING BUSY BUSY..BUSY..hahha wait till i become a FOURTH YEAR..lets see what i say then:D
apart from that..i'm glad after the 1st 2 wks i have now started to make quite a bit of indie friends..yay!...and thankgod for juhi...i swear if not for help me plan my schedule...and have dinner or luch with me everysingle day..i would have gone insane...:D...thaanks dear!
well indies are quite nice actually..haha its only the "chaptas" terrible i telling u...juhi would agree with me totally....:D...well ECA's are the major thing order to get a room next i'm glad i'm already in astonimical club...hopefully i get something else which will give me the necessary points....and trainings back at CCAB ASTRO TURF!! yay! but since coach roy left....and most of my friends left with him...its been quite sad...not forgetting the 2 hr one way trip therre...aihzz...oh well..i'm really busy right i'll get back to u later..hahha bies
11:55 PM