Tuesday, June 30, 2009,

i rate 2.2/5
the movie is so so..only
but it was fun watching it with juhi! yay!..and i thinked i liked my subway cookies more than the movie..oh and of course the music video of the hindhi song "lucky boy"...which i made juhi watch on my ipod..since i absolutely love that song..... :D
12:09 AM
Sunday, June 28, 2009,
1958 - 2009the experience is different and personal for each and every one of us...i'll tell u mine
Tragic news of the death of pop icon michael jackson was told to me by my mom over breakfast two days ago..she saw it on the news feed as she was checking her mail...at first i was what!..then i ran over to read the article..only to be stupified for the rest of the day..
The feeling of remorse is tantamount to that of which the world experienced when princess diana died..right?..well ya ..quite smililar
but to me...i was sad to recall the days when i was younger..watching the thriller video..with my sister..thinking that it was actually a horror film...or when i had first moved to singapore..from india..it was just me..my sis and grandpa..and grandpa..who detested most forms of music...had a penchant for MJ alone..andhe used to spend countless hours replaying the music..
Another memory would be absolutly loving the scene where free-willy-freeing scene..where the whale jumped over the boy....and that MJ song...complimented it..it was magic.and it still touches me... well like i said..its a personal experience..thats y it struck so many people...across all continents...
this is my tribute to u...KING MJseriously..y cant cardiac arrest attack one of the jones brothers...i sweare...i wont care.. :D lol
9:46 AM
Sunday, June 21, 2009,

juhi is so gonna die....and i bet ur laughing ur head off now....!!
so haha...juhi and i as usual went to watch india's last match for the 9th and 10th placeing against poland which they won beautifully....it was quite cool...as once we got our seats in the usual place...all the hockey heavy weights started to walk in and sit beside us..and good! my scc coach-roy vijiyan..sat near us..so i as usual i managed to get some good pointers..behind him..was ex - india captain jude felix etc....
so here comes the intersting part......(juhi stop laughing!)
well it was no secret that pramod and i had some wierd...connection.....esp aft all the things he did off pitch ..past few games..haha so cute!...anyway..ya..every one knew abt this..from...his whole team..to coach rajesh and physio therapist shreekant.(he likes juhi i sweare).HAHA...
so...right..ju ju and i walked in before the match..and pramod was doing short corner.practice as the guy who pulls out the ball...then according to juhi..he saw us walk in...and from that min onwards..haha myy fav player's hockey went soo off course..his short corner balls were messed up..and into the game...dunnoe why he kept missing every ball...juhi was like"sanya stop distracting him"...as in..i know his strengths so what he was playing was terrible.even my coach was like.".pramod not good only mandip..only mandip is good!!"..
poor pramod..when the polish got the ball he did dare face the player..as it would face me...but he did get it good frm chief coach A.K Bansil..who kept shouting at him non stop in hindi..and eventually he got sent off to be reaplced by v sharma..then juhi kena happy..esp when she found out his name was vickas...
anw aft game...juhi..parveen and i stood near the pitch..and pramod was beeeming ear to ear...drinking h20 as usual..and i waved at him..and he smiled looked down and waved back(awwww)
then came the worst part..
juhi's sis and fiancee met us..along with her father's friend.this punjab dude..as they were sitting away from us..so the punjab dude found out that...i liked pramod..so he insisted i went and talked to him..and i was like its cool..its time to say bye..:(
and he was like "no ..no no...we have to make this happen??!!!"so i was happy to see them get on the bus..so he cannot go talk to pramod...then unfortuanetly...they put their things in the bus and walked out towards us..i was like grrreeaattt!!sian..and he shook hands with evey player and ened off with" are u pramod?"...HHAHA..and yes..he found pramod...and told him infront of me...that i'm his biggest fan...omg i was so embarrssed...i looked down and smiled and so did pramod..then they talked..general stuff.abt where he works..which happens to be the govet oil company in india(sia la)...and got his num...wtf...and aft pramod caught up with his team..he gave me pramod's num..and said that he goes delhi every mth....and would be happy to give him...anything i sent .. wth ..this is like" chak de india meets slumdog millionaire"...and said..."love has no laguages or boundaries"....HAHHAHAAH
11:20 AM
Monday, June 01, 2009,

i rate3/5:) CGI gets better & better in hollywood
i successfully cooked up a class outing to watch terminator, last sat at 'the cathay'...
OMG...penny and i had a headache..listening to the class guys,..go ON AND ON...about army...
and they each do a pretty good job in giving a detailed encounter of each one's personal army experience...haha
haha and as expected we ended up with front row seats..i've gotten used to sitting in the front row..and i dont really feel the neck sprain plp complain about yea. before the show...me..penny..boon and yc...had lunch at plaza sing kopitiam.while the rest had mac's downstairs at the basement since it was halal..i din like my stewed beef that much coz i thought the stew was not peppery enough ;0 . And after the show...dipan and yc left promptly..while ...penny..i ...peter..boon and shiraj..walked around till about...11 pm drinking "mr bean"..and bugging shiraj about his gf....who was my beloved penny..!haha!YAY! T16 CLASS COUPLE
9:30 PM