Thursday, May 28, 2009,

I'm no barca fan but i sure am does look good in this money shot..haha
thanks to muD!(thx really) who was nice enough to let me crash wif his hindi friends to watch i was uber hyped up..just to see sweet victory..ard 1 plus..i was in chijmes..and boy was it packed..manu fans clad in red (duh!)...and i'm guessing the rest were on the othetside yeh...
unfortunately..before match could start..due to change in venue..i ended up in upper east coast..damm far sia..but nevertheless caught all the magic happen...:)
2-0 against manu..well done barca...defence perfecto
11:26 AM
Sunday, May 24, 2009,
Blessings so many i can't count with my fingers and toes alone:)
mum has definetly been on her toes..urging me to start studying..which i promptly have..well when ur mom is a lecturer who actually teachers e sudject...theres no fooling her..hahha
well thx mom...for taking the trouble to search deep into the ntu website...and finding out the correct refernce books i would be using..and thanks to her contacts...i got all the books as compliments from the aprt from expected circuit digrams and exponential curves .i am 10 pages from completing the entire ..huge huge book-"history of astronomy"
at 1st mom wanted me to spend less ttime..on passions and focus on real school work(oh come on..schol dun start till august!!!) oh well once i found out that astronomy is actually a course i can take in engineering...she had nothing to say...well i'm super happy..that i can take it as an elective..its like my stars above are lining themselves the belt of orion...
Apart from that..oh yes..i changed music school again!...but only because my teacher gerald...from "music clef@ suntec" moved to " kawai music @ marina square"
.and i gotta admit the new really it!...esp with the steinway piano's aligned at the usual..i'm hating all the theory i have to learn for electric guitar..memorising the fret board and pentatonic shapes and all..oh well..i know it will come in handy..when i get to play lead guitar in yrs to come...well that was the aim afteer all yea:)
Hockey ...season came to a close..and i relised that ..the attendence..grows very small from a 25 to abt 5 ..well since i joined... it was always season time with u21/premier/div1 etc...neverthelss
i still make it a point to roy has been so passionate about the basics..he's helping all of us...rework our hits..with a little...fakes and jinxing. so that u21 next yr..we would be ready...
apart from that..HOCKEY JUNIOR WORLD CUP is around the glad..i can watch any match i want to thx to scc...cant wait to watch the india matches:)(chak de india!)
scc pimp night is also around the corner..cant wait for that as well...
3:08 PM
Tuesday, May 19, 2009,
hello hello..the past two days have been just so amazing..and i dont think any bit of it would have been possible without the amzing friends i have...esp the gang..the scc gang and the t16 gang...well thx guys!..ur truly family to me:D:D

so cute! pris's dog bailey..

my party at gotham with my classmates!yay!

SCC afterparty for the premier hockey team whch came in 2nd earlier:D

watching the SCC PREMIER FINALS...we came from a match really...match against dutch drew 1-1...:( we cannot go to the next rd of div 1...

emily chan!..u own at hockey la

my smss gang...:D
4:35 PM
Sunday, May 03, 2009,

i rate 3.5/5 :)
i told my self i wont watch this movie..but i did and i almost liked it a fair bit too..
managed to catch it wif my classmates since many of them got to book out this weekend as bmt just ended for them...haha..caught it from the 1st row of gv plaza sing...and i also managed to cut the queue of almost 20 + plp..HAHHA!..privilages are indeed sweetx:)
8:24 PM