Saturday, January 31, 2009,
hello there..
fri this week was spectactular...i know anything to me is either lovely or awsome..but i gotta admit i am pretty optimistic and practical about anything and here it goes
i actually found a job...well i henceforth work at the British India Company which is oppsite ZARA.. at friends of mine reading this ...feel free to drop by whenever to say hi...i like my job...i've been to the britishindia outlets before..and trust me i know how empty they can i get paid to complains there*.... :):)
well..this is how it all began...kudos to my super nice classmates...who are the only people i get to see since penny had a telemarketing job interview to check out...i managed to go town with mudit 1st to go find a shop..and thanks to mud i did not give up easy...haha..i think..the long john silver's lady wanted to hire me...but i couldnt imagine serving fish in a ghastly yellow i tried my luck at highend republic..versace...etc..and thankfully there was an opening at they took me in..but its only for a month..afterwhich..i'm applying to be a cashier at thats how it goes.
.haha..mud was damm funny...or according to him..i'm damm dumb...i was all happy and told him that i finally stocked my ipod with the coldplay classics..and he was like sanya..those were out in 1999...haha..!and i also found out that we have a penchant for over-rated and under-rated tv 30 rock ....and underrated eg.kyleXY
anyways...6 plus...penny meet me and mud at centrepoint..clarrise was with her...and shiraj...who had SCDF met after that..haha..he looks so diff...its the army..he's suddenly so dark..and his hair..HAHHAHA..well we chatted at pepper lunch for sometime..and i quickly got home after that...with the pleasure tht i am emplyed...haha..i amuse easily
3:11 PM
Friday, January 30, 2009,
hello there...i'm back from adelaide..and i gotta say it was one of the nicest holidays i've ever had...especially since it was my only sister's lovely wedding to tim..the only backlash i guess was that my dad was not there to encounter this wonderful experience..and since..he choose not to acknowledge the wedding since it did not involve an indian guy...haha...well my mom and i have choosen to close a blind is this really nice when i arrived the weather was so pleasent....well the sun was hot but the wind which blew was i did manage to see nice places like the strawberry farm which was a paranomic view of acres and acres of lush strawberry patches.. ..from there we did drive up to handorff which is a little german village..and it sure lives up to its name with time homes which look like cottages...and othernice german inspired bakeries and sweet shops..with the best bailey's irish cream flavoured nouget..and yes nothing says german more than a birkenstock shop....too bad heidi klum din lurk around...hahha..and th wedding...!
my sis was clad in a gorgeous...golden gown ...which has a croset back..and a nice train....not gorgetting the silver morfits which lined the gown at several locations...sweet!....mummy and i helped my sis get ready and so did i was the beloved maid of honour...thx sis!......afterwhich..i got a ride to the church which was small and vintaged as it was built in the 18th century...

.the wedding went well...and aft tons and tons of camera flashes...we went to the reception which was at the cleveland wildlife park...i had a nice time...7 champagne glasses later..i was tipsy..but i did remember all the nice on and so..on.oh! at the farmhse which tim's parents owned..i saw themost amazing sights of the night sky...light pollution had certinly not gotten its presence there..and i swear i would have seen at least a thousand stars..and the best part..i manage to see the milky moment of my life..well it does take a trained eye to recognise it well it was stunning...along with all the other plants which certainly outshone the stars in how bright they shone..loves!..and since the tempt in adelaide was reaching an all time high in the past 80 years...of almost 44 the heat was sweltering...we came back ..x)
9:41 AM
Wednesday, January 21, 2009,
x i'm jetting off tomorrowmorning to adelaide... but i'll be back sometime in the near future..x scc lost to thesarians. in we cannot proceede to the semi-finals...depressing..really...esp since i know how awesome some of my team mates are...:(x not everything is like what it seems..i sweare... :(
10:33 AM
Friday, January 16, 2009,
life's awfully boring for the unemployed..haha..well since juhi and i had nothing to do...i managed to meet up with catch my 2nd movie of this week!...-CHANGELING..
you know that film with angelina jolie..and the role she played about a doting mother who loses her son ....and by all means tries to get him back...regardless of the police department's fruitless attempts to manipulate her ...into believing that another boy was her actual son...and so yea..thats how the storyline runs...well i understand why angelina jolie was nominated..for a golden globes...for her this mopvie..and i also understand why she did not win....rather clique...haha....juhi and i had a good laugh..since every nonchalant...dramatic..scene..had a mellow violin playing in the background...ahha..we had a good time imitating that...oh oh...since the cathey was practically empty .... we decided to take whichever seats we wanted...and we ended up in the couple seats..i never know..they exisited...same as normal seats ..excluding the handle bar.....
so after the movie....since we were at "THE CATHEY"
i simply ..simply had to show juhi the indoor coy fish pond on the bottom floor....i swear...the fishes there are the stupidest fish i have ever seen...honestly...if u go there....go take a look at the coy fishes in the pond..for the past 2 yrs..i have been trying to annoy them...but they are just so unreactive!....u can ... clap ur hands ..or do any sudden movements above the pond..and the fishes simply DO NOT MOVE!....they are absolutely uncapable..of any instincts...or fear...aagh...frustrating stupid fishes..HAHA...
afterwhich..we walked over to plaza sing...went to groceries..and headed home..
juhi so sweet !...
-i want to watch SLUM DOG badly..!..the trailer is really nice..go check it out! x)...
-scc vs thersarians sun @ delta 3pm sun ...really important stuff....
11:43 PM
Thursday, January 15, 2009,

i managed to catch 7 pounds with my classmates yesterday...odd movie was pretty draggy for the first half hour..and i had to constantly ask dan"what;s happening" and dan goes " don't u get it ....quite obvious what..." i was like ok enlighten me he says.."actually i also don't know" the plot finally takes flight after will smith meets the heart patient...and once again ..draggy storyline...till the last part where u realise that he gives up his own life to save 7 people...oh well....he did give his heart to the in literally....sweet?quite so ..but not the kind that makes u go i said ODD ...QUEER BUT ODD X)
11:46 AM
Monday, January 12, 2009, that the new year is well on its way..lets talk about the 66th golden globe awards
Best Motion Picture - Drama
Slumdog Millionaire
Best Performance by an Actress in a Motion Picture - Drama
Kate Winslet – Revolutionary Road
Best Performance by an Actor in a Motion Picture - Drama
Mickey Rourke – The Wrestler
Best Performance by an Actor In A Supporting Role in a Motion Picture
Heath Ledger – The Dark Knight
Best Director - Motion Picture
Danny Boyle – Slumdog Millionaire
Best Screenplay - Motion Picture
Slumdog Millionaire
Best Original Score - Motion Picture
Slumdog MillionaireComposed by A. R. Rahman
Best Television Series - Musical Or Comedy
30 Rock (NBC)
there are more awards but i only mentioned the important many..
haha..i loved the awards this year..apart from the line ups of stars clad in dior and kevin hall etc..
it was funny to see the winners....1stly i was estatic to see slumdog millionaire win in so many categories..each time it won i stood up from my sofa and clapped haha..i watched it live at 9 am...just to make it more meorable...if u still have no idea abt the gist of it..its a movie set in india ..mumbai...abt a guy..who takes part in the indian version of" who wants 2 be a millionaire" and he the love story and all....check out the actress..she's really pretty btw..
it was hilarious however to see ur biggest stars like leo for revolutionary road and brad for "the curious case of benjinmin button" not win awards regardless of all the hype it had produced...i sweare they must have felt super cheated....nvertheless....i can't wait for these movies which i mentioned to open in singapore...its about TIME! relative to the states i realised movie premieres are quite slow here...oh well...and i was also delighted that 30 rock won best comedy...and tina fey and alec baldwin both from the show..won best female and male roles in a comedy as abt condolences goe out to "the office"..i love that show as well...well steve carallle is brillient...and the time will come 4 tht...with that i wrap up my golden globes update.....arios
3:57 PM
Tuesday, January 06, 2009,
**super long post..** -just a precaution...haha
hi hi i'm back in sunny singapore after a splendid new year's here...not only did i go for the mid night service i also got invites along wif celina and jessie to christopher annan's new yr's was really there all the folks from church..omg...chris gave me soo much to drink i sweare i was knocked out aft just a few glasses...i was laughinfg to my self..i swear..and when i fell down it was utterly painless..haha... 2 days or so...i went to vietnam wif my family...for a couple of 1st impression has gotta be...OMG i'm in a COMMUNIST country...hahha..though i gotta admit..the vietnamese...people carry their way of life in a simple..way...where their..local delicacy is "pho" which is beef and vermicilli..and bean sprouts in a clear parents and i had a culture shock...we being indian...expect everything to have at least...5 types of spices and herbs in all that we eat...HAHHA...well..the sight seeing was nice...lots of vietnamese..and their bikes..omg...this place is infested with motorcycles.....there are almost 70% motorcycles..and 30% cars..and with no traffic lights..lining the roads...u can hard it is to cross the road...ahhah..apart from that...regardless of the not so ancient history of the vietnam war and all..the country truely boasts of a community of put the daunting behind and move on in a positive way..
so i come back to singapore...and u know what i find out..i lost my job..the one..i have not even gone make matters worse i was told got hockey training to day at the padang...omg i damm smart..i went for training without any sports shoes mom was sooo sweeet..t ocome down all the way to pass them to me///
training was fun....except that i got constantly scolded for lifting my arm up when i do a push...i do that??...i never coach was pretty bummed and i couldn't help but lift it up either...sian...okok..arios
10:00 PM