Monday, December 29, 2008,

what a nice day....i had training/match in the morning against tpjc...which we won 6-1 so that was a great experience...afterwhich..i had to quickly run back home...where i took a pathetic shower and rushed to centrepoint's fish and co....where i met soni...banu..juhi..pris and xinyue...its always a plesent surprise meeting those guys...i love them ..just soo much as much...hahha...we had a good time chattin as well as debating over who get to be the bridesmate/flower girl /maid of honour...since..each had a diferent level of credibility...hahah..then we walked we floated in and out of shop and decided to head to taka....where i ran into cristie my hockey friend...from scc....then we walked around somemor.e..till pris and xy had to leave for a high tea wif orchand hotel..after pics and hugs and praises..we left we the awesome twosome sonia and i plus banu plus juhi...(HAHA SORRY)....walked around..sumore...from ..etc..till banu decided that we gotta rest from all that we decided to have ice once again..we struted back to centrepoint....delighted to be in the cool aircon and soft chairs...and i ran into laka there as well..and once again we debated about...the braidesmate wars..hahhs...afterwhich since it was almost 5 plus..we headed back to the mrt anf back home! x)

my arm varies in colour..if u notice..haha...i'm super sunburnt...

love u guys:)
10:47 PM
Friday, December 26, 2008,
christmas eve....
its more or less tradition to be frantic about last minute shopping on this day..ahha so as dusk mom and i quickly made a shopping list to get the groceries...that we may need for xmas day christmas i stayed in..while my mom ran out to meet those errends...afterwhich...i mangaged to meet her in that..i could have a nice shopping spree....i was very very content byh the time we got back it ws 6 plus...and so aft dinner and a short parents and i got ready for our infamous....midnight service at my mom clad in blue to match my dad and i left promptly at 10.30 as the service started at 11 sharp....
i liked the after cups and cups of tea and jam centered biscuites:) we went home abt 3 am...and slept till..the cool winds of the christmas morning woke us up....i had brunch wif my parents...and later in the evening i was planning to attend a swanky christmas party at shirmy's casa...but had to change plans last minute as aunt shirly....invited my family over 4 dinner i managed to catch my well nice...

and lastly boxing day was ths sexs!
i had training in the morning all the way at i got up pretty early...and coach made us do our usual drills plus plus...a little match against...the east view hockers...afterwhich i had a quick shower..and ran down to orchard to meet dipan...boon and peter cine's long john's ...
and then we went up to get ticks to watch "yes man" which is jim carrey's new flick...but since our movie was only 2 hrs later...we managed to kill time by heading to the arcade..which was barely a stone's throw we played air dipan and i lost..haha..and peter and i won..and spend...alot of time playing a retarded game..."spot the differences..." hahha...afterwhich..we managed to catch the movie..and it was funny to see peter laugh his head usual...esp apt grandma"tilly" BLEAGH..hahah...then then.....we walked around till dipan convinced us to go play ps 3 at HMV....we were stuck there for almost an fun....monstertrucks...haha...finally at 6 plus...peter and i left via mrt...while boon and dipan...headed to the bus stop...x)x) HAPPY HOLIDAYS!
11:31 PM
Monday, December 22, 2008,
HAPPY BIRTHDAY PENELOPE :)it was nice of peter to organise a nicelittle birthday party for penny on her beloved 18thbrthdy....finally little penny is all grown dipan.peter and i met at 11.30 at tht we would ave ample time to get the present..and daryl managed to meet us along the way...i gotta admit...that boy has got to stop looking so it...cjc uniform/clubbin post prom/penny's then once we got the lipgloss and bracelet...we managed to get our 8 fish andco..and dipan...bastared look at martin embaressing..haha....
eventually toon and penny and boon..and derrick...joined us...and it was usual...stupid toon.(seated beside his beloved) refused to we talked a helllot..and laughed a hell lot tooo......x)..... then we went to the arcade to play datona...peter and i got a good laugh...seeing a 10 yr old gear...HAHHA...
RAM took this pic...hahha..whatever!

penny is LOVE!

happy times...

comandoes....our 1st line of defence...
2:58 PM
Wednesday, December 10, 2008,
it was damm fun when penny had dipan..i..hilmi..toon.and boon over.....and i gotta admit...penny lives in a lovely neighbourhood..where we managed to borrow..dvd's from video ezy and indulge in creamy ice cream....i loved my cinimmon...which melted right down my hands and onto my feet..hahha..imagine that...afterwhich we shacked at her watch exorcist (emily rose)...AGAINST my utter will since i don't do sacry movies....and i had my eyes hidden under the pillow most of the time...kudos to penny who actually watched everything...sia la...haha..and dipan u suck for deliberatly trying to scare me..haha...after which...penny walked me ..toon and boon and hilmi out of the maze of land houses...where boon & toon started to argue over penny so cute!..haha
(casa SANYA)
banu crashed my place and i was euphoric that she brought one of my all time fave movies the prestige...which is utterly brillent in the plot and screen play and yea we watched that... and my mom came back from work...and got busy cooking a hell lot of food for dahl...meat..potatoes..hha..thx mom! kill more till till about 9....we continued..watching more living wif the kardeshians(we wouldn't stop laughing at how dumm they are) ....F.R.I.E.N.D.S! ...The E True Hollywood story of SimonCowell etc...hahha it was soo fun...x) x)
(casa SANYA)
penny..and dipan crashed my place a few days back..we were supposed to watch pink pantha but those two got busy fiddling with my guitars..and wif one another.. as u can see for urself as u can see...HAHHA

and we also managed to get busy with our art and crafts skills by creating birthday cards for hilmi and boon.whom we managed to see later wif the rest of the class.a at swedsen's to celebrate their birthdays...i love my i was fun as usual ..and mr foo...was there as usual to crack his horny 11 peter and i left the rest and headed home....x )

my maths fooo!!
11:48 AM
Thursday, December 04, 2008,
GRDUATION O8 CJC -Mertius Madarin
it was a beautiful evening..and i was glad to be clad in a all black dress to fit the theme of monochrome...haha..i so badly wanted to resemble my idol audry the movie "breakfast at tiffany's" ....where she wore that black dress..and silk hand gloves....damm i totally forgot the gloves and the up-do hairstyle...oh well was so nice seeing each of my friends..whiom i have love yea...great time
ain't we all party people...?..haha well after prom..i manged to catch a cab down to clarkquey wif dipan and dan...while the rest of our gang....flagged down 2 other get there...i have absolutely no idea..why but once i got there...i lost my ability to hold my balence on my stilettos...and according to peter i walked like a drunkard ...haha...oh well...since boon and toon wanted to go attica...while the rest of us were adament to go gotham,...we plainly stood at one stop contemplating...while i simply danced on the spot...from the blaring beats from shirazz the shisha restaurant...haha...and at gotham.. i was nice to dance the night away. except for shiraj! who refused to dance even for a minute!! haha..i stayed till abt 2 where i cabbied back home....for a well deserved sleep....x)
12:21 AM