Thursday, March 29, 2007,
i miss my xinyue...and it was sooo sprit dampening to see her walk through the baggage counterit was like those typical korean dramas.....hahhas...minus...the dramatic..ending where the love of one's life turns up....and then she waved....and waved again...and then she was gone
love you my dear....
and then u have these guys and gals..the fellow 1t16's who simply lighten my every minute in smuggling food into class and passing em around during lessons..hahahs
esp..bernie...who is the new WILLY WONKA
all through this week....all the junk i have illegally eaten during lessons include
-andes mint chocolates
-10+ hearsey's kisses
-oreo bite sizes
-coco crunch(the whole box)
-flintstones fruit cereal
-french fries
-hello panda
-bottles of minutemade-lemonade
-pucca chocolate fish food
-yupi gummies
-tuna sandwhich
-guava fruit
-cola candies
-horlicks sweets
and trust me this list goes in.....hahahs
i'm telling you one of these days...we are gonna get caught...though mr wee my phy teacher...asked me to surrender a bottle from under my table...which was actually the swimmmer dude;s...hahhas...when i took out the bottle...every one burst out into laughter..since it was filled with cornflakes....hahhas
he had nothing to say,,,,phew!!
hahahs...k.k bies
8:19 PM
Saturday, March 24, 2007,
another week has zoomed fast and i glad that i have adapted pretty much very well in class..with the usual....crack pots sitting behind me...class can be never boring
and apart from that i have too many breaks since i only take h1
its basically 3 whole hours of hang out time around school....every 2 days...oh well time which shold be spent to study is usually spent to play titte...since thats all the guys love simply love to do...ahhahasbut having a ratio of 4 20 guys has its pros and cons..=)
anyways tue will be the day xinyue will be leaving for aussie...and i shall indeed my dear walking everst....though...alot has passed and happened in our feels a large portion of my past...will be wiped away....oh no..thats not true...i shall be optimistic here
she can go far...but will always be a fellow high fiver...the so -called exclusive club she created for dalmations...back in the days...
will miss you loads xinyue**take care in aussie.and be true to yourself in all that you do:)that alone will get you far-heart sanya*cheers*hockey postings will be out on monday..and though i know i have a high solid chance..of at least being just a member...i can't help being anxious...since i shall be lost with this new love of mineso....yes...i shall keep praying..and hoping...will update
the greatly anticipated results
6:10 PM
Saturday, March 17, 2007,
HAPPY BIRTHDAY JOANNE!!sorry i wasn't present for ya bithday....since i was in at home all day recovering from a flu...which has been bugging me for a week now..=)
have a beloved year head ya...
with much love,
i'm simply thrilled these holidays are coming to a i'm too bored..
i feel like i'm missing out on a whole load of action.
alot like being violently pushed off a spinning top..if you know what i mean..
but nevertheless i kept my self busy with a pityful...numberof things
hahahas...which include hockey training..watching the greatest tv shows the new season of prison break...cycle 7 of america's next top model..and heros..
oh oh name is earl too...hahhas...though sonia i know u think it is an idiotic show..hahhas
anyways..i can;t wait to go back to cjc...which i am truely blessed to have..=0
and my classmates which are identical from the previous batch,.,hahhas
we had a special appeal to stay as 1!! yea
11:00 AM
Saturday, March 03, 2007,
heyy ya all
sorry for the late post...esp to you joanne!!
anyways since chinese new year all has been good...i managed to hang out with banu and sonia at vivo...where we actually found future prom dresses..gahahs..and trust me i looked SMOKIN HOTT**/..HAHAHHAS
oh yes i shall post up the pics once i can remove it 4rm my phone..after which..i ran off to hang out with prak and joshua who also happened to be in vivo
i see soni and banu too much!!hahhas...last week sonia and i went over to sajc to support her modeling show...and trust me ..that hirl looked really really good..and her male model was totally all over her me on this one**
sonia has evidence....anyways she did a splindid show..i have a video..i shall post it up too asap
...=)...I SAW PRIS TOO!!!YAYYYS at sa.. word just rings a bell each time i think about it..the jae postings will be out next week..and once again i shall witness my friends walking different paths..cj however is the school for me and hockey is my game....speaking of which...i missed training yesterday///to go and watch the
"PURSUIT of HAPPINESS"...with penelope.mudit.and was fun sitting on the stairs of the mrt station...making a racket//,,since miss pentalope! was 30 min late..the movie was generally touching and had a good plot..but not as moving as i had expected it to be...
after which we walked down to mac-cafe...only to find about 30 cj-cians
seated on the railings around..whow!!it was a mass cj meet up...with truckloads of plp there...i was shocked i must say..hahas..but we left promptly
with just two days left...i'm so gonna miss my friends from 1t31
but i'm glad that those who i really adore and admire are staying..that makes cj seem all the more appealing!!and i would love to stay with them for another 2 years ,....with all the sadness and happiness which is yet to come, i'm sure that i'll become a stronger women for god...and indeed my self...
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10:26 AM