Wednesday, February 28, 2007,
it cannot exist in your experience if u decide to not entertain it-
8:36 PM
Monday, February 19, 2007,
i do weekly posts only!!...hahahs sorry to my fans**
anyways..alot has happened since the sprit dampening results were out...
my mother left for india..for a week to see her relatives..and my sister did leave back to complete her school term....and as a parting gift..i have her two peacock feathers((jo!!i am not obsessed with peacock feathers))
hahahs..oh ya the application for the junior collages was also finally complete....with most of the saint margreatians opting to go to sajc..i've made up my mind on cjc...firstly it a stones throw away from SMSS...secondly...i can indeed play hockey for them...yeh
i had training 3 times this week...of which i conveintly missed the one which fell on the eve of chinese new i did attend the sat prac which was at .ccab
AND I DID get a glimpse at the sajc team at practice..hmmmm...they were actually good...compared to us girls..hahhas...oh well i'm still when i get actual confirmation of making the prestigious team..i shall get my oh so wonderful.///stick...hehhe
anyways...this sunday was jones's and celina..managed to get him a retarted christmas fruit cake for his birthday...with a deepavali candles...on know those round ikea was the BOMB**
well totally retard though...hahahhahas
{gong ci fa xi}to all who celebrate it..and the best part is i'm blessed with two additional days of holidays..and ain't that something...i wanna see the saint.matgreatias..but they were probably busy...poof!!oh yeh VALENTINES DAY WAS last week too...the usual i ,must your friends chocolets and flowers..and giving random hugs to people...hahahs..i guess beibg in a coed school or not things do not changeNO CULTURE SHOCK HERE ////:)andi did manage to call soni..during break..and bug singing to her"accidentally in love".hahhasgood timesgood timesgood timesand finally...i spent my weekend at home watching movies..cinderella man-splendid acting by russel crow..*beautiful movie with an excellent plot...about the great depression etc..bee season-richard gear acted so well in this all abt the reaslisation of religion...etc..whow...this is chim stuff..i must sayfantastic 4-typical comic bk movie(sighz)....:))))bies
10:11 AM
Saturday, February 10, 2007,
i've been down so low
people look at me and they know they can tell somet
hing is wronglike i don't belong
staring through a windows
tanding outside, they're just too happy to care tonight
i want to be like them
but i'll mess it up again
i tripped on my way in
and got kicked outside, everybody saw..
.and i know that it's a wonderful worldbut i can't feel it right now
well i thought that i was doing well but i just want to cry now
well i know that it's a wonderful worldfrom the sky down to the sea
but i can only see it when i get what i truely deserve
2:26 PM
Friday, February 02, 2007,
this week has finally come to a close..and i'm happy about that.since next week holds the release..of my promising o'levels..oh well thats what i hope..and have been praying for ever since i closed the pen cap of my history paper....which was the last o'level paper i wrote..2 months back....this week in general..was good and bad...since there was a chem test today..and i simply left the last 2 pages blank...though all had done the same...i really wished that i had completed it..hehhe....apart from was fun..since my classmates are hilarious..yesterday..was thipusam and as usual...i had to simply simply watch i had plans to head down to little india..with prakash..and celebrate the festival..though..i'm a strong beliver in christ...however...due to mishapped circumstances...i went to see it...with jalal..instead...i even managed to get my self a beutiful..peacock feather...which i gleefully added to my peacock feather..collection..hahhaas...sounds..rather odd i know..
look and thats a pic i took...just to share with you .... one special day...since it is the last day of the week and it holds the promise of a fufilling weekend..."ALLRIGHT"!!!hahahas...thats one of yongchow's mine"I GET IT!!"....HAHAHAS...anyways that fellow...made me get all my physics homework wrong..ahahahas..
in the morning today i managed to find nishanth on the 105 bus...since his school is a stones throw away from mine...and i did manage to learn some pretty cool things about he.and jones/are both hockey much for me being super "uniQUE" was direct from hell..since i had to run 12 rounds,,,but i am glad..that i managed to accomplish it without even walking..once...
that means that+i'm set for cross country.......
and hockey training followed after that...where it was on the track again for another 8 rounds...after which was fun since we had mini matches...and it was excellent practice for me in my ball handeling skills......AND IF THAT WAS NOT TIRING ENOUGH!!
first..p.e//second lastly..
at 5 when the sun was allready half set...we had inter class captains ball matches
4 matches...whow...i'm a washed board....this went on all the way till late 7-8...though my class did lose every single match,,hhahas..but i loved it nevertheless...
and to top it off thats.a pic of my class 's team....
9:21 PM