Wednesday, August 09, 2006,

great day at school i had...increadible celebrations
hahas...well it was my last one in this i kinda learnt to appreciate it all the more...hey...when i leave smss...i can't leave with all my friends...teachers...and the school building.....

but there is one thing...i can leave with...and that is

MEMORIES ...........

1:17 PM

Tuesday, August 08, 2006,

all the mischief we smss girls can get into this national day...

6:47 PM" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="425" height="350"

6:41 PM">" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="425" height="350"

6:31 PM

Saturday, August 05, 2006,

o joy...the weekend is finall here.....horrible week it had been....getting back tests on chem and ss....sighz..not forgetting the history test on the 2nd united front...between the kmt and the ccp

who on earth studies abt the second united front....when only the first united front is even talked about!!.....o well....the agony

3 days to celebrate the red and the white...o yes national day !!
well the only good thing about it is the lovely half day...and the two day holidays which come along with it
apart from that...i'm not a patriotic....citizen.being a both indian and singapore citizen..its hard to juggle your loyalties....between two countries

hometown.Vs. future town

hahahs...thats why..i prefer to be an abosoute hypocrite

i'll sing the songs on national day....but on other days...i'll refuse to accecpt...that i'm a singaporean....
why should i eigh???..i'm only half singaporean..and half indian

thats makes me neutral....
oh well hahas...

do watch this...its hilarious.....HAPPY NATIONAL DAY

9:43 AM

GUEST count
TH VISITOR!!!!!!!!