Saturday, June 17, 2006,
perfect in every single way
from the the the shoes
10:22 PM
Sunday, June 11, 2006,

happy bithday juhi!!!
hmmm...firstly, this has been an awesome week for me
firstly,the world cup started..and GERMANY is on a role!!ahhahas....all the way man
then i got my admission email for being accepted in this years pbb camp only accepts...4% of the top gb recruits...and thanks to god's grace, i'm in!!..and thanks to god's glory, i'm also the leader for group 4!!hmmm...thats gonna be one heck of a camp....i've gotta act impressive.....well that comes naturally for me....hahhas..
then,the intensive revison in school also ended
the holidays are also here
and to top it off, i had a wicked time at juhi's birthday was a banu...left some real wicked things happened later...wait lemme see...girl kiss girl...........more fear factor....yucks....and ya...twister too!>...well i was smokin..hahhas/...well some quoted that the only reason why i was good at it was coz i had no bones!!..hahahs...well...who cares....hahhas..and church was fun too...and after that i made two new friends..!!hahas....its amazing how plp there are in tiny winy spore
5:05 PM
Friday, June 02, 2006,
pardon me for my seldom bloggin
rather busy nowadays
fistly i wanna say happy bdae keas....what happened to u eigh..hahhas...haven spoken to ya in such a long time whole week of revision classes just ended...and it was rather fun
like today, sonia...pris anita ..and i were doing an EXTREMELY STUPID MIND MAP...ON THE BOLD AND THE BEAUTIFUL..
hhahas...the family was twisted man...hahas...
and banu;s lovey dovey novel too
9:42 PM