Wednesday, March 29, 2006,
i will inform all the avid readers that...that priscilla did an inhumane thing yesterday...
yes you heard me right....indeed
the cruel practice of attacking a shark...just for its fins.....before
discarding it back into the ocean....
and the poor and helpless shark willslowly drift to the bottom of the sea bed....unable to swim away..
to make matters worse..the shark might actually have a family...far away
......i pity its would never see its mother again...and it will have to live life all alone..
without a mother figure to guide its life...
*ps..{pris...i can see the fumes spurting out of ur ears right now...but sorry dear...the plp had to know the truth] the next time u drink sharks fin soup...THINK AGAIN
7:39 PM
Tuesday, March 28, 2006,
life is given to each one of that we may learn some thing new every day
don't be greedy:reasons
parveen and i deliberatly missed buses..66..48..for an empty that the bus will be ours...and ours alone..
so fair enough we did get out slightly empty bus
then we saw another COMPLETELY EMPTY
67 behind our bus....hahas...we jumped out of the bus...and the other bus din't even stop..!!
so all 4 buses passed a straight line
and we were left at the bus stop....bus less///
lesson learnt today:
....i was playing with sri's razor the other day....and it was so cool as u could lock ur messages and pictures
so i picked up my phone...and tried to put a security pin..
well i did....but it also asked me for another pin....which i had no clue
so i randomly threw in numbers
after 15 fruitless tries...the phone went black...and it said
sooo i called up m1 services////....and i was informed that..i would lose all my contacts...but the number won't change..
sighz...all gone!!!
ain neeelamai appadi
7:34 PM
Saturday, March 25, 2006,
two daya ago i said that smss might win the vs dance compertion....and guess what they actually did
lol...o ya i simply need to congratualate them....they were awesome
their dance was sooo fast....that the vs fellows were afraid that their stage would give way
today was a horrible day
i spent 9 hrs in school for a useless first aid course
why u may ask..?
to get a silly first aid badge...but guess what...i would be a licensed
first-aider for the next three years..
simply cool eigh....but not like i am gonna spring into action the next time i see someone choke or something right...
but think about it...i can stand up...hold my first aid badge and say...."STAND ASIDE...LICENCED FIRST AIDER COMING THROUGH..."...hahas..
think abt would be cool...i can start saving lives...
7:47 PM
Thursday, March 23, 2006,
My Kevin is out!!
yuppies..The youngest member in the American idol group...Away
he was a born star....Apart from the fact that he looked like a 12 yr old kid
Haas...That's what I loved aft him....He was simply adorable
Haas...Well life's not always a bed of roses...eigh
i have been busy apologies...for the "no blogging" season
my arm and shoulder has been badly injured due to all the running i have doing lately....worst part is that it is my right hand.....
even writing puts alot of stress on my shoulder and back
what to do?//?/hahahs
jo. and i have made a secret which we
are destined to achieve
sighz...exams are in 6 weeks...
"i have to stop using the com soooo frequently"....thats what my sis tells me all the time
eighz..she has a point though
so i shall heed her advice.....because my tamil o levels are also around the corner....
even the thoughts of it scare me
i can't wait for tomorrow..... performing at the Victoria sec dance compertion
and i'm going to be there to support he all the way
yeahs....i can't wait....renu and i plan to run off after school tomorrow as soon as it ends/.....what a great way to end the weekend
i have a strong feeling that gonna do really well
u should see the dance steps
its pure barathanatian....every time banu does it in class, i will quickly finish my work just to watch her hand movements
they are superfast....and she does it sooooo well
that they are hypnotising.....seriously
---all the best dancers and esp...banana..BANU!!
lol....i shall be there to watch and see u..
all the best...
6:43 PM
Friday, March 17, 2006,

joanne's bithday at hard rock cafe...was a blast
there was scrumptous foof...drink..dessert
wow....and yeah...we were making fun and imitaing was a lame form of charate...but it was fun all the more...
o ya
happy sweet sixteenmy dearjoann
9:44 AM
hii..avid readers
the holidays are here...and now..they are all most gone
on the our to east coast to celebrate my mom's birthday was soo fun as i was pointing out the stars
the place was soo peaceful and tranq

9:30 AM
Saturday, March 11, 2006,
this has been the best week yet all this year
firstly no lessons all thursday and friday
sports day!!
I was just a 200m reserve...hahs..i was rather dissapointed but..
i knew mr chua had his i was left to cheer others on and i was suprised at how fun that can actually be...
i was spray painting my hair green while holding a ridiculas....paper plate while a huge yellow smily face..painted on it
oh ya....xinyue ran for 4oom and she came in 1st
wow now that was incredable....she was like a slow version of
fridAY yet turned out to be a fantastic day
the whole school had a mass excursion
every two class was sent to another place....4e5/6
was sent to senoko land fill
whivh was off the coasts of singapore...
we had to take a long 1hr boat ride!!!......many girls fell seasick......and the stupid boat had blaring ....karokaemusic.......xinyue...and i who were not affected by motion sickness,......ran around taking evry corner of the boat...occasionally...the others joined us as well....hahahs
*i tried to annoy the others with my wonderful theory
which was that.....the seas of singapore...where we crossed were filled with illegal immigrants,,....
at the land fill....we went around in van....and the place...honestly did not have any rubbish at all.....we came to a beautiful spot....with just a 1m road....and on the both sides was the vast ocean.........with the back drop of islands in the me is was gorgeous...i wish i had the pics to prove it
sadly they are still in xinyue's cam
shall post em....when i get em/.....igh
bie.....fellow avid readers
9:56 AM
Friday, March 03, 2006,
hiaz..i'm rottin at home now....but i shall be on my way out soon
i will be meeting the others at have marchie
yayys...then we will be off to meet the mp.. right
hahas.....what to do...i am stuck doing mp shadowin on a gorgeous
fri evening
...hahahs..and i have to see how mp's try to settle the problems they
get 4rm the public
4:39 PM
Thursday, March 02, 2006,
this is sooo not fair
i was desperate to get either
4x100..or atleast 200m
but all i got was an reserve spot for
200m.....and some other idiot
who got a timing way lower than mine
got into
4 x400m!!!! thats the hardest race to get
how...could sum1 slower than me get such a tough race
but all i got was a reserve!!
my friends say its i was still sumhow chosen
outta many others
but still its.....its....its....not fair
o cum on
if ur reading this....don't u agree,.....
welll the worst part was that...that person din
even wanna run in the first place
but tooo bad i stay angry 4 long
so i shall give up this frustration now
hey god has a plan 4 all right....well this is the plan of his to me
so be it
****sanya.....this is nothing...
forget it la...think of what jana told u
u will see that theres alot of truth in it
4:51 PM