Friday, February 24, 2006,
at lastthis is allover.......theconstant testsall this week.nowits time for me to kickback all responsibilitiesand relex..hahahhahhahxwhat relax..haha i have a camptomorrow...sighz...but i think that its gonna be fun anyway...o ya and i'mplaying the guitar in chuch that needs to be practised tooooo...anyway..before returning home..i went for thesports day try-outs...and man i managed to beat 6other timing was 8 secondsyeah..thats really good eigh///but...i'm surexinyue beat me in the following roundanyway//hahas//as long as i get chosen,i'll be awefully happyhopefully in the (4X100m)race..hahs..resultswill be out on monmy fingers arecrossed..hahabie
4:41 PM
Monday, February 20, 2006,
there are five tests this week
i cun wait for tis week to end
thus till fri i won't be blogging
mon-history test
tue-geo test
wed-emaths test
thu-tamil test
fri-amaths test
----------------------tests end here-----------
fri-MP shadowing..for school
sat-umar pulavar...welcome camp..
dass tuition
yupps...that my week long schedule////
4:35 PM
Monday, February 13, 2006,

i went to the airport on fri after send of my was so fun...sonia...pris ...leona...and robin...dressed to kill and then we headed to the and co restaurant..
haha..the fun was awesome...but it was totally expensive
haha...we sent a total of abt 80 bucks....just for abt 4 robin hardly ate..
what to do....then we walked around terminal 1 and headed to terminal 2wow...the whole class was there for racha
teachers....junior netballers...friends from this school
and other fellow netballers....from other with so many people around
all we did was take tons and loads of pics....banu owes me more pics
anyway...pris had to leave early, so we all gave racha our best wishes...hugged her..and headed home....but haha..loads more happened on the train back
but...i ain't going to state it all///
look at the pics...its up there for natilie...though...she wanted to loa--d them
4:46 PM
Wednesday, February 08, 2006,
another looong and hectic week just came to a halt
no more tests this week...yayys..after tony's ss test ...and oya...
and amaths..test..well i'm glad its over
next up is my chem test on redox reactions...
haha...recess was funny as .....priscill...anita..and joanne...were arguing abt how i had,,,some eating disorder
from>>>chronic. disease>>to>>lukemia>>to>>mydopia>>and this list goes on and on,,,while..i who was perfectly normal just sat there..staring into space..
haha..but u should have seen our faces...when tony and boon boon came and sat down on a bench 4 m away....haha
suddenly everyone was soooo quite...hehe..even putting back the plates was...done all orderly..anita and pris walked in perfectly straight return their plates...while i walked in a perfect 45 degrees angle to return priscilla's cup
okok..i'm getting carried away..hahha..well its true..anyway...nothing else
4:17 PM
Saturday, February 04, 2006,
friday!!the last day of the week..yayys
school was a bore though....PE...especially
all we did was play husband and wife....iwas stoning...while the rest were running around....haha..u should have xinyue..she was screaming"MAKE SONIA RUN"...each time any of us run
hahha.....have u seen our school
its all lemony and lime...BRIGHT yellow and a bit of green much for repainting.....acconding to priscilla..its looks kinda
very very very true in
gb was ok...loads of new recruits...and mr choeng made me play the guitar for praise and worship...last minute
wa...lou....its was rather uncoordinated...but it was ok...
well at least i was...hhaa
then we had loads of food and..beatrice and i were holding balloons and running we were kids or was fun i can say**...hahha..
10:05 AM
Thursday, February 02, 2006,
waaaa lou...i am sittin witha nutcase in schoolll..banu..was ok last year..hahas..but this year..she has gone BANANAS..!!!...hahha
i told herr that i will curse her on my blog..
and i she
i would be quitely...innocently.....sweetly/...doing my amaths sum on binominal theorm....she would out of the blue...push me and say" stupid la u"...and i would be lik huh??....hahas..then again she would tolk to herself out of the blue...and tell me"all my fault lA"...and i would be huh??? la she.....but she keeps me laughin ALL day long
hahah,,,mdm suhana...was sooo boring today..talkin to each and evry girl about...their"trapped"....mindmap
hahha...but banu and i were usin banu's wonderful permanent markers
while she was doin sumthing losserly like highlightin the NE messages..wif the markers...i was brilliently....drawin on my school shoes....well its jus my name on the side blue..and the other side PINK!!!..which was very cuteee...inddeed..but banu thought that it was bimbotic....hahha...WHAT TO DO??
i must say anita for getttin me a gorgeous pen from indodesia...and she also got me a
spiderman cap!!!!wow!!i love all spiderman i have someting new to add to the spiderman merchendise collection..yayys...jasrin's birthday was yesterday...sohappy birthdayi gave her a really nice braclet and earrings..and she loved it..yayyshaha...good for herand soo soo..i had phy test to dayits not bad....its do-a-ble....well lets jus assume i'm smart..loljokin la..i not that ego...well i must get an A***
i must i must..i shall..i will try
bieee =]
2:42 PM