Wednesday, April 06, 2005,
AT last the tests 4 tis week and next are finally over....teah...i have to start pulling up mi socks!i mean literally....clarissa has asked mi to pull up mi socks almost 7 times tis week.....haha....the phy test was ok i guss......i hope i do weellll....and maths was ok......i heard tat jo got 31.5!!!!! haha...ani wai chem was ok too...i guss.....2 dai was such a boreing dai....first during social studies mr lee goes...."sanya u have a heavy body issit" jus went on......thx jo 4 all those pretzles u gave me....nice......haha....i am swimmimg class at 7 bah....i really good now......haha and jo u have to stop eating 8 to 9 eggs evri dai....damm bad 4 health u noie......not high in protien...high in chlorestrol and fats hahahha.......bie
5:17 PM
Saturday, April 02, 2005,

1:19 PM
wedmi life is oficially complete.....actually at first i was gonna rite abt how i missed tas the simple plan concert........but no!!!1i was actually there and i got in 4 oni 15 bucks, was sooo awwesum.....i was litterly screaming mi head out...wit another 100 simple plan fans.....pieer is sooo cute...he has rosy cheecks and man he is hot!!...haha relly u hav to see it to believe it....
i loved the last song where he sang perfect and every one turned on their handphone light s and swayed slowly to the music.....gosh i jus wished it lasted for ever......did u noe tat pierre has 4 dogs and one of the dogs name is sunny.....weeeee......tat is sooo cool.....
did u noe tat b4 the concert i kinda left mi wallet at the floor of the mrt station....i was stitting there and wen i saw kiran and parveen i jus got up and went...i forgot abt mi wallet....we went all the way to the fountain of wealth at suntic city ...wen i realised tat lost mi wallet....kian and parveen were sweet enough to runall the way back wut me to the mrt...i was stiff scared....tears were starting to well up in mi eyes....parveen was sweet enough to tell me not to wori....wenn i got to the station it was not where i left it....i was stiff scatred...i had mi hard earned $18 bucks in there along wit abt 50 neoprints....and mi4
limited edition spiderman trading cards given to me by jo ....and to gos grace,jus as i was abt to cry over the pa system said would sanya sekhar please cum to the cotrol station ...i was scearming mihead out haha
thuwell todai was cross country...haha...guss wad i was the 1st casulty of the dai......i kinda slipped and feel at the entrrence itself...haha...mrs khooor told me not to run but with sheer determination and motivation, i still ran yeah...haha and guss wad i actually came in 35....weeeee
i am sooo goood ....well i atleast get a stupid badge...well xinyue and joanne came in top 20 if i'm not girls!!argg...hah but stupid sonia was gust a mc.....tolk ...tolk and tolk sum more oni....and after tat i headed town wit sonia ...xinye...and leona...i was supposed to go 4 a gb meeting...but i didn't go.....the other gb girls were terribly angry....but they let it go thank fully
o ya we went to was so fun...sonia and i shared a crispy noodle topped wit decious ham and chicken chunks wit a delicious chicken soup base...anddd.......a delicious oreo cheese cake...and then i bought more black and white bands and finally took u can see above haha
friwas great...mambo was and xinyue wit pris came up wit sum great moves haha and during gb i was named squad leader....i am soo happi rocks
12:44 PM