Saturday, March 26, 2005,

simple plan
10:24 AM
Thursday, March 24, 2005,
stupid xinyue finally updated ur blog haha
stupid sonia was trying to clap her hands and she looked lik a total loony....lik a baby trying to to do roll around lik a is crazy....she told me tat in yoga u hav to sqeeze urself into a bottle...saio.....and and u hav to fly...o man......haha....stupid xinyue was clapping her huge paws non stop lika nut case.....i bet wen she clapps ....thunder can be heard on the rest of the world....gosh...hehebie...hw to do bie....
5:52 PM
Tuesday, March 22, 2005,
the holidays are over and back to skool....jus came back 4rmswimming.....not lik i can swim though.....haha...i'm still leraning...hahe....i kinda regret not going 4 e clASS PARty.hey its over any way...well all tings occur 4 good tis is probably one of em.....i'm so relieved tat the the mrt test is has been the cross country..its no longer this thu but next week.....i wanna go marchie after tat...i'm sooo tempted to try the mango creep.....hhahaha
i can't live without you..i can't breath without you..i'm dreamin abt you.honestly tell me tat its over...the world is spinning and i'm still living...honestly don't tell me tat its over.... this is jus a part of a lyrics of a song tat i'm listening to right now.....its linsay lohan's new song over.....this song is jus sooo pure...and ..i....never...f get it....this week...o ya jus wanted to sai
happi joanne haha.....don't 4 get jo...that reindeers take up after santa claus ..u noe...fat...slow...and useless......jus kidding....
i am sooo happi tat fridai is a holidai....its good fridai and i can skip 2.4 km running....
simple plan is cuming to singapore in 1 week and 1 dais time.....tats 30th march....i so wanna go
the ticket is abt 5o bucks and mi mom won't let me go...she tinks tat its awaste of time....hige..
;]........juhi and sonia are gonna watch miss congruality 2 after the cross country..i wanna go but once again mi mom said no....eigh.....i still haven't got mi rubber band....bah...the world is mean sonia's fwen was selling it at her church..and she did not get it 4 me.....even better is xinyue.....she can buy herself a blck one and get one 4 me.......o...the agony.......i wanna change mi pencil box...the blue one is sooo ugly....i gonna save up....hehe..i also wan the qiucksilver visor cool..... so much for saving..i eat lik a pig and i did tink the word can be found in mi vocabulary...hahahi better get going...noooobie
8:39 PM
Friday, March 04, 2005,
man at last this hectic week is finally more sleeping at 12.30 in the mid night...welll at least no more 4 2 weeks...gusse wad after the 1 week break...there is gonna be another 5 weeks of continueous tests and then cums the mid year examinations.....wad is wrong wit our skool....i am lik already worked up.....over time....luckily skool is sooo fun....welll insanely funny...all i do laugh...laugh and laugh sum more....chem is horrid i hav no clue wad on earth is happening....i betcha i flunked tat stupid 15 min test.....i mus catch up...and tata matrix test...tat was a flop...and i really mean tat...i was riting on and on....all nonsense least 2 moro is less packed...morning i hav gb knote tieing exercise...and later in the noon...i hav tamil tution....bah bah bah bah....bajji baggi i hav lost mi mind totally,,, i sooo badly wanted to wear tat rubber-band <.pink and yellow.
>for tutionn and church picnic which is sun.....i cun wait 4 church picnic...its gonna be sooo cool , jo, celina and cris r planning to wear the same thing 4 e picnic....yeah...we will look so all the coloures in the world,,,,,i did not wan the purple band...and unfortunately tat is all they hav.....miserable rarthlings.....thx xinyue...checking it up 4 me ani wai......i am listening to this really nice song bi natasha bettingfield right now....and the words r sooo sweet...."feel the rain on your one else can feel it for u oni u can let it one else can speak the words on ur lips..... drench ur self in words unspoken"......jus a bit of the lyrics......hey look anita jus sighned in....whweeee
listen 2 me now....i need 2 let u noe ...its u i look in the mirror...sometimes u can make it on ur own..... jusa bit of the lyrics of the next song i am listening...and the lyrics i rote are dedicated 4 sum 1 special........weeeeee
i reLLY hav to thx banu-bau-banuton....for helping yesterdai...she literally sat bi the phone 4 almost an hour to help me...4 mi tamil test 2dai...i hope i actually pass tis time.....tamil hard...4 me....well sum people lik xinyue are sooo good in her chinese as she watches wosshy nooshy c.c.t.v all dai long.....hhahhahha....sonia and i bug xy abt tis is goooood and i mean the oscars, spiderman as nominated 3 times....while lord of e rings was not even nominated once.....haha i ur face...sonia and xinyue.....spiderman won of the awards though "best am=nimation grapics".......weeeeeee....i wa suposed to go to marcie 2 dai wit saltea and talltea....but they wanted to go to tennis instead...nvermind...i would hav done the same ting too if i had cca.............................i beter get going ...i am firstly gonna take a nap till 5 and then hav a bath 4rm 5 to 5.30 and start on moi hw......bie
3:49 PM