Friday, February 25, 2005,
go ne all gone...mi super duper plan....gone all gone....stupid solty...couldn't keep it up...awwww.but nvm....i jus came home at\fter a long dai of marching....i accompanied talltea...home.....guss wad instead of using a towel, she uses a bringht red blanket....wit yellow and blue stripes on it....hahahah....tis is 100% truth i saw it moi own to eyes......haha and i thought tat her blue dress wit yellow flowers wes bad,.....hahaguss wad talltea and i saw a wierd man near her house.....he was recording his own voice on an super duper huge outdated voice recorder......i tink he issa a wanna be detective....while talking to him self, he was talking abt how he is gonna solve a rape case.....siao!....he had pic of a lady toooo.....ya relly siao..i noe....hahhabie....i wanna run out....
7:40 PM
Thursday, February 24, 2005,
2dai was sooo fun...firstly,sports was sooo fun...its was short and sweet...and our class came in 3rd....thx 2 xinyue....congrautes...i and anita were lik ''go long legs go'' was a blast.....then after the whole ,aniita,and xinyue had 2 wait 4 xinyue's mom 4 an hr...coz soni had history revision ..wit suez canel.....hehe...orchard was sooo fun...i wan sooo badely 2 watch constantine....but mi mom disaggred....bah!!damm her...wad the hell....but nvm..its awas funaniwai....firstly we went to loook at the roxy burms......damm nice u noe ....but totally nutty ex....70+......then neoprints was sooo fun....stupid..saltly did not wanna take...but i managed eo convince her....she oni paidd 2 bucks u noe.....herm....stupid...gurl kept complaining tat she wanna and we finally go to marchie to eat, ...she hardly eat.....thiaw......i had soup...chicken ...potato wedges....and dessert....same as xinyue....i luv the 2 anklets i bought...they are soooo nice...both also blue...i got it a oni a buck each.....also a hairband which is a gorgeous pink which was abt 3 totally worth it.... xinyue...wanted me and get matching earrings as a symbol of hifivvers....i hav to admit...its kinda nice though...a pretty little sweet....but soni did not wan i kinda jus followed....i feel rely bad as xinye got it..and we didn't...well i wantwd to but i cahanged mi mind...jus coz sum1 else did not take it....damm me...wad a foolish mistake.......i noe tat xy got kinda hurt bi tat.....but...not all hope is lost...coz sonia nd i hav a surprise 4 her...on mon...muahaha,,....wellif a plan works ...mua hahah...
sooooo fun u and xinyue = went to try out barebacks.....its was a gorgeous white top but soooo tight.....hahha ....stupid sonia got all the funn off looking at how rediculus we looked....stupid...xinyue...pulled the changing room curtin...while i was!!
haha it was funni though...i saw tis realy short pink was soooo nice...and once again stupid xy said i did not hav e legs 4 e skirt...haha...welll i do!!1haha lolZ...
life is good...and i mean it,,,,,......
man !!!hav english compre test 2 moro.....but how 2 study 4 english....i dun care...i shan;t bother study...hahha....still tired 4rm walking all around heeren.......from 77th the wallet shop....and soooooooooooooo much more ok.......
speaking of mambo,, they had tis really nice blue mambo bag....i wan it sooooo badly...but it was 40 +....whish it was in green to...actually blue was also nice....hehe...
but all good dais mus cum to an end...i also learnt...i hav to stop following otherS...AND do wad i wanna do...well all will be happi tatt all civilians reading tis
5:05 PM
Friday, February 18, 2005,
xinyue is crazi i'm telling u!!firstly she won't let me eat mi wonderful shortea biscuites in much for showing offf tat i can 2 biscuites in one time......and then jo-the-pro came along....well atleast tat is wad she calls her self....hahah...i smeered chilli all ova ger dress and i'm so happi abt tat..u should hav seen her do the was humouros...not lik im any bettre at it aniwai...i relly flunked it durin the class 2 dai...and wen i did mi version of shaking hips....pris and xinyue......dropped dead laughing.....yeah i got a 2 for mi geo report....tat is full marks bi e wai.....i put in much effort and i deserved the mark unlike sum plp who...did in e same dai class and wrote stupid things lik lama temple....sonia and i were ...were laughin awai...nvm....haha ...yeah i played the electric guitar for gb and stacey said i was good ....yeah....i better start on mi hw bie.....
7:56 PM
Thursday, February 10, 2005,

i realised tati'm brilliant and i should be queen of the world..
..dun u tink sooo2!!...i'm lik the bear charge of the world...mus haha
2:49 PM
Wednesday, February 09, 2005,
-xinyue INVADING !
dun worry i wont do anything bad ! haha:)
lallala !
3:26 PM
Tuesday, February 08, 2005,

parveen and me of course
5:58 PM