Saturday, July 17, 2004,

''AlonG WiT GreAt PoWers CuMS GreAtt ReSponSibIliTy''SouNdS FamiLiAr..How Abt..''No MaTtER WHat i dO Or how HaRd i trY It Is The ONeS WhOm I Luv WhO WiLL pAi''i noE Is No1 in the us At The moemEnt...tat AinT A SupriSe ThouGH...Did U noE tat there is going 2 b a spiderman BeAuTiFul PhraSes 4rM SpiDerMaN 2.....Tis SmoViE RoCkS RiTe?? ThE StunTs werE grEaTAnD toBy MaGuiRe LoOkEd HoT In Tat boDy HuGgIng SuiTe...It Ya noe Tat thE Movie 3 in 2007...awesome rite....2007!! wad r they thinking i hav 2 wait3 years....i will grow old bi then....neva mind,,,,i hav said so mucha abt the spiderman2 movie, but i hav neva seen it my self...LAME! RITE...i hav oni seen e 1st 1 my mommy won;t et me c it.....damm her...but i will find a way...coz if there is a will there is a wai......i noe another lame ting...rite...if u watched e movie...rite in my comments and tell me how it aws k luv ya...bie

11:13 AM

blah...heyy ya...thank god...e exams r ova...yippi..but my mOm StiLl maKeS Me StuDt All Dai..I Am HavIng EngLisH LessOn To my engLiSh TeaC mIss WoO BrouGht UsThE LibrArY To StuDy,,,BuT WhO cAreS So I Am RiTinG Tis i Got baCk Moi EnGliSh ,ScIenCe anTaMiL mArKs....ENgliSh Wasn'T tAt Bad....8th in ClAss $ tat Is KinDa GooD A ni way..TaMiL aNd  SciEnCe sUcKed BiG TimE...Bam SlAcKEr MarkEs.....IwaS SuPPoSed to wAAtcH mean gUrlS 2 daI bUt my @ FreNS S SOniA AnD LeOnA HaV TeNNiS DaMM iT LaH Ha...But WatChinG it On mOn AniWai ain't tat baD riTE......I beTTa Go NoW....To All desPeraTe LouSerS ReaDing Tis...I Didn't MeaN tat K!juS A PhraSe 4rM meaN giRlS

10:58 AM

GUEST count
TH VISITOR!!!!!!!!