i agree wit all harry potter fans tat tis movie rocked...but i %%%strongly feel tat hermonie iz sucha 2 timer in tis movie...dun u tink so 2....first she holds rons hand and cries on his %%%%%%%shoulder...how sweet...how romantic...then she turns evil wen ron iz in hospital...juz coz he cun c harry and her, she goes %%%%%around ...running lik a pompus ..holding harry's %%%%%%%%%%%%%hand!!!....hahah...lolz....wad do u tink of tat ha.....and wen the hippogriff gets killed, she sobs on his shoulder!!!%%%%%%%%%%%%%
move away sista ur good looks cannot cover ur %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%evil...heart..hahaha.ain't i simply full of rot.....well %%%%%%%thankx...tat iz wad i do best%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
7:44 PM
Yours Truly
Himy name is sanya michelle sekhar, may 17 1990, sunnysanya@hotmail.com, smss, cjc, guitarist, hocker,christian